50 Best Introvert Quotes for Instagram

Introvert quotes for introvert people

Introvert quotes for instagram


  Generally people have misconceptions about introvert people. People thinks that introvert people are useless for society and can’t be successful in life. But it’s totally wrong and introvert people lives in his own State of mind and seek personal space for some moments in a day. Introverts may not be socially active all the time but love to spend some quality time with friends and family. Many introvert people lives low profile life style and actually very successful in their professional life. 

Here I’m bringing to you some Introvert captions, introvert quotes and Introvert confessions.

Introvert quotes for instagram

  1. I only looking at the positive side of introvert because I’m introvert and I’m happy with it.
  2. I don’t Know what extrovert people want to prove by their extrovert character. As an introvert I don’t have anything to prove to anyone.
  3. An introvert person can be a good friend with an extrovert person. I think may be the best friend.
  4. Many people That introvert people are Moody or egoistic behaviour person, actually they live in their own world.
  5. Some people think that there’s a certain mystery or darkness around introvert people. It’s not true. Actually introvert people just really into what they do. 
  6. As an introvert I love people around me but not all the time.
  7. As an introvert, I love being by myself, love being outdoors, looking at the trees, flowers, the sky. 
  8. Shy or Introvert, whatever you called me, I love myself with full of positive energy.
  9. As an introvert I Know or I learned how to be happy alone.
  10. Introvert people are pure because they have there own world and no time for gossiping.
  11. Books are best friend for introvert people because books are most trusted companion for introverts.
  12. Introverts are good and effective leader because they talk and act on when needed.
  13. Introverts people don’t love lonliness all the time but definitely love to spend alone minimum one or two hour daily.
  14. Alone is comfort zone for introvert people.
  15. As an introvert I love to spend time on reading books.
  16. Introvert or extrovert, I fit with both depends on situation.
  17. Nature love introvert , introverts love nature.
  18. Nature itself is introvert.
  19. Introverts by choice spend a lot of time on  own.
  20. As an introvert We are also part of the society. We may not engaged all the time but yes I loved people around me sometimes.


introvert quotes for bio

  1. I’m a big introvert and also very very Shy. That’s it, otherwise I’m very to all.
  2. Introvert is not a comfort zone for most of people, it’s purely peace of mind

Introvert quotes and confessions from famous people

 introvert quotes by Amyra Dastur

I’m an introvert and a shy person. 

Amyra Dastur 



 introvert quotes by Soha Ali Khan

I can be a different person at different moments. I may sound chatty and friendly but that could really be a reserved person trying hard not to appear to be an introvert. 

Soha Ali Khan 



 short introvert quotes

introvert quotes by Rahul Dev

I am an introvert. 

Rahul Dev 



 introvert quotes by Kubra Sait

An introvert as a child, I spent most of my younger years being bullied for my name. It took its toll on me, and by Class VI, I couldn’t even have a proper conversation with anyone. 

Kubra Sait 


 introvert quotes for instagram

introvert quotes by Kritika Sengar

I don’t have many friends in the television industry, as I am an introvert who likes her own set of friends. I also don’t plan for the future and believe in living for the moment. 

Kratika Sengar 



 introvert quotes by Amit Bhatia

I’m an introvert. I get my energy by spending time alone. I need that hour or two to myself every day.

Amit Bhatia

Business man


 introvert quotes by Ashwin Sanghi

I have always been a bit of an introvert. In fact, my dad used to force me to meet people so that my interpersonal skills improve. As an individual, I was happiest when left alone.

Ashwin Sanghi




“Extroverts speak, while introverts write. That’s the only difference!” 

 Ramana Pemmaraju, writer

 deep short introvert quotes

introvert quotes by Mahatma Gandhi

“In a gentle way, you can shake the world.”

Mahatma Gandhi

 introvert quotes by Deepika Padukone

Im a shy person. I contradict my own profession, because Im an introvert in a very glamorous world.    Deepika Padukone


 introvert quotes by Om Puri

I was very shy and very reserved as a child, very, very introvert.      

Om Puri


 introvert quotes by Gautam Adani

Either you are extrovert or introvert, and so I am an introvert in that sense. I’m not a social person that wants to go to parties. 

Gautam Adani 


 introvert quotes by Pooja Hegde

I felt like an ugly duckling back in school. I was a complete tomboy with short hair. Never in my dreams did I imagine that I would walk the ramp with 6-inch heels. My friends can’t believe that I’m an actor, because I was such an introvert in school. 

Pooja Hegde


 introvert quotes by Tabu

Coming from a middle-class family in Hyderabad, I was an introvert. I chose to be the way I am. 



 introvert quotes by Fawad Khan

I do give interviews, but I am generally media-shy because I am an introvert by nature. 

Fawad Khan 


 introvert quotes by Tiger Shroff

I am who I am. I am not very complicated. I am simple and an introvert. 

Tiger Shroff , Actor

 introvert quotes by Kalki Koechlin

Theatre is something that keeps me very alert, and I am actively creating whether I am on stage or directing. In films, I feel I become more of an introvert, going deeper in the realism of a character. 

Kalki Koechlin 


 Introvert quotes by Sobhita Dhulipala

As a person, I am an introvert. 

Sobhita Dhulipala , Actress and Model

1 thought on “50 Best Introvert Quotes for Instagram”

  1. “Wow, what a fantastic collection of introvert quotes! As an introvert myself, these captions perfectly capture the beauty of introversion. It’s so refreshing to see a website dedicated to celebrating our unique personalities. I can’t wait to update my Instagram bio with one of these inspiring quotes. Thank you for putting this together! Much love, Nicholas Jensen.”

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